Luigi Naldini#

Membership Number:6323
Membership type:ORDINARY
Affiliated section(s):CELL & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY
Main Country of Residence:ITALY

Present and Previous Positions
  • 2008 Director, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy (SR-Tiget), Milan, IT
  • 2002 Full Professor, San Raffaele University, Milan, IT
  • 2003 - 2008 Co-Director, SR-Tiget, Milan, IT
  • 1998 - 2002 Associate Professor, University of Turin and Group Leader, Institute for Cancer Research, Turin, IT
  • 1996 - 1998 Director, Lentiviral Vector Project, Cell Genesys, Foster City, CA, USA
  • 1994 - 1996 Visiting scientist, Inder Verma Lab, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, CA,USA
  • 1990 - 1996 Assistant Professor, University of Turin, IT
  • 1987 - 1990 Post-doctoral fellow, Yossi Schlessinger Lab, USA

Fields of Scholarship
  • Gene and cell therapy
  • Hematopoietic stem cells
  • Cancer immunotherapy
  • Lentiviral vectors
  • Lentiviral vectors
  • Gene transfer vectors

Honours and Awards
  • 2008 Elected Member of EMBO, the European Molecular Biology Organization
  • 2009 Awarded the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Investigator grant, which recognizes top EU scientists with an outstanding achievement track record
  • 2012 Premio Sapio of the Italian Research (Health Area)
  • 2014 Outstanding Achievement Award from the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
  • 2014 Human Gene Therapy “Pioneer Award”
  • 2014 Premio Gili Agostinelli for Biological and Medical Sciences from the Accademia delle Scienze di Torino
  • 2015 Honorary doctorate from the Vrije University, Brussel
  • 2015 Outstanding Achievement Award from the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
  • 2016 The Jimenez Diaz Prize, Conchita Rábago de Jiménez Díaz Foundation, Madrid
  • 2016 Premio Capitani, Milan, Italy
  • 2017 The Beutler Prize from the American Society of Hematology (ASH), USA
  • 2019 The Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine, Lausanne
  • 2019 The Global Health Pioneer Award, Dubai
  • December 27th 2019 Nominated “Grande Ufficiale” dell’Ordine “Al Merito della Repubblica Italiana”, one of the highest ranking honor in Italy, from the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister of Italy

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