
Martin Stokes - Curriculum Vitae#

Major University Committees and Administrative service at the University of Chicago
From 1997 Chair of various departmental committees; member of various divisional and collegiate committees, inc. Dean's Standing Committee on Performance, Provost's Arts Planning Council , Council for Academic Studies. Policy Committee (Humanities) spokesman, Library Board
1999 Acting Chair, Music Department
2001-4 Resident Master, Max Palevsky Residential Commons
2002-3 Assistant and Acting Director, Center for Middle East Studies
2003-7 Director, Center for Middle East Studies

Major Committees and Administrative Service at Oxford
  • 2008-11 Director of Graduate Studies, Faculty of Music
  • 2010-11 Senior Dean, St. John’s College
  • 2009-11 Chair of Board of Examiners, MSt and MPhil (Year 1) in Music

Public service and conference organization
  • 1990-99 Various British Forum for Ethnomusicology committees, including organizing committees for Middlesex, Durham, Belfast annual conferences, Belfast Folk Music Society, Irish Traditional Music Archive (Dublin) committees
  • From 1999 Various Society for Ethnomusicology Committees (including conference programme committees, Kunst, Faruqi and Merriam prize committees)
  • 2000-3 Society for Ethnomusicology Council (three year term)
  • 2007-2011 British Forum for Ethnomusicology Council (and various committees)
  • 2010 Conference co-organizer, British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference (Oxford)

External Administration, Departmental Reviews
  • 2012 Evaluation for Quality of Research Exercise (Italy) VQR 2004-10
  • 2012-16 Balzan Musicology Programme 2012, ‘Music History Beyond Europe’, Advisory Committee and Research Committee (dir. Reinhard Strohm)
  • 2013 Departmental Review, External Assessor, UC Dublin

External Examining
  • 2007-10 University College Cork, MA in Ethnomusicology (3 year appointment);
  • 2012 University of Manchester BMus (3 year appointment)

Senior appointment/search committees and senior promotion/tenure reviews

Appointment committees: Goldsmith’s (2007), SOAS (2008), Oxford (Music, 2008,9; Oriental Institute, 2011); tenure and other senior promotion reviews: UC Santa Barbara (2007), UC Irvine (2009), University of Pennsylvania (2009), University of Chicago (2010), Cambridge (2010), Queen’s University Belfast (2010), Tampere (2010), University of Alberta, Edmonton (2011), William and Mary College (2011), City University (2011), University of Texas, Austin (2012), Tufts University (2012), Santa Barbara (2012), University of Limerick (2012), Royal Holloway, University of London (2013), University of California, Los Angeles (2013), Indiana University (2013), University of Southern Florida (2013)

PhD/DPhil supervision and examining

Principal supervisor of six completed PhD dissertations at QUB (Tony Langlois: Algerian/Moroccan Rai; Allan Taylor: The Second British Folk Music Revival; Jonathan Stock: The Chinese Erhu and the Conservatory System in contemporary China; Jane Hubbard: Children's musical games in Derry; Kevin Dawe: Lyra playing and machismo in Crete; Inok Paek: Kagok and the formation of the Korean national music system).

Committee chair of six completed dissertations, one still in progress, at the University of Chicago: Celia Cain: Native American Women's musics; Rich Jankowski, Tunisian Stambeli, Josh Pilzer, Korean comfort-women's song, Aibhlin Dillane, Irish song in America, Toufoul Abou-Hodeib, architecture in pre-mandate Lebanon; Shayna Silverstein, contemporary debke in Beirut, Melissa Bilal, Armenian lullabies in Turkey.

Dissertation committee member/reader:
Approx. 12 dissertations in music and anthropology departments at the University of Chicago.

Supervision of completed DPhils, Oxford:
Graham Wells (Northumbrian Pipes, principal supervisor), Noel Lobley (co-supervised with anthropology; Tracey/ILAM archives in South Africa), Jeannette Gallant (Accadian Music in Canada), Nomi Dave (West African cultural nationalisms), Tom Hodgson (Bradford Mela).

Principal supervisor two completed DPhil theses, two in progress, at Oxford: Ionannis Polychronakis (Greek Popular Music), Marilou Polymeropoulou (‘toy music and the avant garde’), Victor Vu (Reconstruction of Cambodian classical music in Cambodia), Nahid Seyedseyyamdost (Iranian music and politics, co-supervised with Walter Armbrust).

Principal supervisor of three ongoing PhD theses at King’s College, London: Julian Harris (Music of the Iraqi Diaspora), Jacob Olley (Hamparsun notation and Ottoman Music in the 19th century), Jun Zubillaga-Pow (“Musical Resistance: Beethoven. Schoenberg and Symbolic Listening”)

Other completed external PhD supervision: Tala Jarjour, Cambridge (Syrian Maronite Music, principal supervisor)

External reader/examiner at CUNY, Northwestern, QUB, Limerick, SOAS, Manchester, La Trobe, Cambridge, Utrecht, Chicago, Middlesex, Copenhagen, Edinburgh, Macquarie.

Internal examiner within University of London system at Brunel, RHUL.

Conference papers read at American Anthropological Association, Royal Musicological Association, British Forum for Ethnomusicology, Society for Ethnomusicology, Middle East Studies Association, International Association for the Study of Popular Music conferences, and elsewhere.

Keynotes at meetings of the Irish Folk Music Society (1997), the Musicological Association of Portugal , Lisbon (2003), and at the following conferences: 'West Along the Road' (Irish Studies, NYU 2003) Northwestern Chapter SEM Conference (2004), ‘The Local, The Regional and the Global in the Emergence of Popular Music Cultures’, University of Copenhagen (2005).

Recent keynote titles and events:

‘On Musical Cosmopolitanism’, Macalister International Roundtable (Macalister College, St. Paul MN, 2007), ‘Ethnomusicology and the Culture Industries’ (BFE, Goldsmiths College, London, November 2007),
‘Cosmopolitanism and Musical Globalization’ (Societe Francaise d’Ethnomusicologie, Paris, Musee de l’Homme, December 2007),
‘Civility and Cynicism in Cosmopolitan Europe: A View from Eurovision’ (Singing Europe: Spectacle and Politics in the Eurovision Song Contest, Volos/University of Thessaly, March 2008),

“Anxieties of Scale”, BFE Conference Keynote Panel, Liverpool University 17 April 2009.

“Migrant/Migrating Musics and the Mediterranean” for Migrating Music, SOAS, London University, 10-12 July 2009.

“On Living With, and Without ‘Theory’”, Royal Musicological Association Postgraduate Conference, Manchester, 14 January 2011.

“Publics, Masses, Crowds: Reflections on Affect and Scale in Music Study”, for Sound and Music in Mass Performance, University of Toronto, 29-30 April 2011.

“Music, Politics and Emotion”, Annual Dent Lecture, Royal Musical Association, London, 17 September 2011.

“Ethnomusicology, multitudes, and theory”, for Musical Practices in the Balkans: Ethnomusicological Perspectives, Institute of Musicology, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade 23-25 November 2011.

“Music and Islam”, Tufts University, 13 April 2012.

“Music Censorship, Markets and Religion”, Music Censorship Network, Sibelius Institute, Kallio Kuninkala, 5 October 2012.

“The Crowd and its Music: Affect, Sonic Texture and Social Process”, Music and Cultural Texture, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, 18 October 2012.

“Music, Censorship and Feeling’, Censorship Network Plenary Conference, Copenhagen, 6 June 2013

Colloquia and public lectures given at Oxford, Cambridge, London, Birmingham, Hull, Swansea, TC Dublin, Cork, Belfast, Chicago, Harvard, Alberta, New York (Music 1999, Kevorkian Center 2007) Universities; Leiden, Yale, Bryn Mawr, U. Penn, Northwestern, UIUC, UT Austin, UW Madison, Princeton, Berkeley, Bowling Green State (Ohio), UI Bloomington (Turkish Studies), UC Santa Barbara and elsewhere.

Reviewing MSs for most major journals and presses publishing in anthropology, ethnomusicology and musicology Editorial Work

Editor (formerly with Tullia Magrini) of Music and Anthropology (online refereed journal) Editorial Board/Advisory Board Editor: Chicago Studies in Ethnomusicology; Popular Music; Folk Music Journal; Journal of the Society for Musicology in Ireland; Ethnomusicology Forum; Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World; Twentieth Century Music; Performing Islam; Journal of Popular Romance Studies.

Series Editorial Work Europea: Ethnomusicologies and Modernities, Lanham: The Scarecrow Press, with Phil Bohlman; 15 titles in press, 2004 to present.

Oxford Theory in Ethnomusicology, with Martin Clayton, introductory volume (co-authored with Clayton) under contract for 2010 and two volumes in preparation.

Major Grants and Fellowships CCRU (with Fintan Valelly, for study of Traditional Music Making among Protestant Communities in Northern Ireland); ESRC and Leverhulme Foundation (with Hae-Kyung Um, for study of Korean minorities in Russian East, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan).

2002 Howard Foundation Fellow, “Music and the Globalization of Sentiment” ($25,000)

2006 ‘Title VI’ and FLAS institutional grant to Department of Education, for Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Chicago (principal investigator, 2006-10, $1.6m).

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