Susanne Baer - Selected Publications#

Dorsen, Norman/ Michel Rosenfeld/ Andras Sájo/ Susanne Baer/ Susanna Mancini, Comparative Constitutionalism, Cases and Materials, St. Paul: Thomson/West, 3rd edition 2016 (1st edition 2003, 2nd edition 2010' 3rd edition 2016).

Baer, S. Renaissance der Verfassungsvergleichung (Mohr Siebeck) 2023

Baer S. Freedom of Expression and Democracy, Human Rrights Law Journal 43 (2023), 15

Baer, S. Rechtssoziologie (5th edition 2022, Nomos)

Baer S. Constitutional Law and Gender. In: Gender Competent Public Law and Policies. Gender Perspectives in Law 2 (Davinić, M., Kostić, S., eds). Springer, 2022

Baer S. Gendered Normatives: The Role and Rule of Law, in: Global Contestations of Gender Rights (Scheele, A Roth, J Winkel H (Hg.). Bielefeld 2022, 115-134

Baer, S. ‘Who Cares? A Defence of Judicial Review’ Journal of the British Academy, 8 (2020), 75-104

Baer, S. 'The Rule of - and not by any - Law. On Constitutionalism' Current Legal Problems 70 (2018), 335-368

Baer, S., The Difference a Justice May Make: Remarks at the Symposium for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Columbia Journal of Gender & Law 25 (2013), 93–100.

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