
Vincenzo Borghetti - Selected Publications#

1 - Gioachino Rossini, "Elisabetta regina d’Inghilterra", in "Edizione critica delle opere di Gioachino Rossini", vol. 15, Milano Pesaro, Ricordi Fondazione Rossini, 2016, vol. I, pp. XCIII + 1-404; vol. II, pp. 405-870; vol. III (Critical commentary), pp. 205

2 - ‘‘Trauer, Hoffnung der Frauen. Tod, Leiden und Macht in Margarete von Österreich Chansonnier Brüssel, BR 228’’, Die Tonkunst, (2017/2), pp. 31-38

3 - ‘‘The Listening Gaze: Alamire’s Presentation Manuscripts and the Courtly Reader’’, Journal of the Alamire Foundation 7/1 (2015), pp. 47-66, 132-135

4 - ‘‘Komponieren nach einer Vorlage’’, in "Komponieren in der Renaissance: Lehre und Praxis" , ed. Michele Calella und Lothar Schmidt (Handbuch der Musik der Renaissance, ed. Elisabeth Schmierer, Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Joshua Rifkin, vol. 2), Laaber, Laaber Verlag, 2013, pp. 317-353

5 - ‘‘Fors seulement l’actente que je meure. Ockeghem’s Rondeau and the Gendered Rhetoric of Grief’’, Early Music History 31(2012), pp. 37-85

6 - ‘Le martyre de Saint Sébastien von D’Annunzio und Debussy: Der unmögliche Mythos der Modernität im (Musik-)Theater’’, in "Musik und Mythos - Mythos Musik" um 1900, ed. Laurenz Lütteken, Kassel, Bärenreiter, 2009, pp. 158-190

7 - ‘‘Johannes Ockeghem, figure mystique? ’’, in Musique, théologie et sacré, d’Oresme à Érasme, ed. Annie Cœrdevey and Philippe Vendrix, Ambronay, Centre Culturel de Rencontres 2008, pp. 149-184

8 - ‘‘Music and Representation of Princely Power in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe’’, Acta Musicologica 80/2 (2008), pp. 179-214

9 - ‘‘Il manoscritto, la messa, il giovane imperatore. La messa 'Fors seulement' di Matthaeus Pipelare e la politica imperiale della Casa d’Austria’’, Imago Musicae. International Yearbook of Music Iconography, 20 (2003), pp. 65-107

10 - "Il bacio della Sfinge. D’Annunzio, Pizzetti e «Fedra»", Turin, EDT 1998 (in collaboration with Riccardo Pecci), pp. XIV+254

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