
Andrzej Jerzy Buras - Selected Publications#

Total number of papers: 290 (inspirehep).
Total number of citation: 50 000 (Google Scholar), 41850 (inspirehep).
h-index: 116 (Google Scholar), 108 (inspirehep)

Gauge Theory of Weak Decays, Cambridge Press (2020), A.J. Buras, Cambridge University Press (2020), 730 pages.

Global Analysis of leptophilic Z’ bosons., A.J. Buras, A. Crivellin, F. Kirk, C. Manzati and M. Montull,, JHEP 06 (2021) 068 24 citations (inspirehep)

SMEFT ATLAS of Delta F=2 transitions., J. Aebischer, A.J. Buras, J. Kumar, JHEP 12 (2020) 187
17 citations (inspirehep)

Leptoquarks meet epsilo’/epsilon and rare Kaon processes., Ch. Bobeth and A.J. Buras, JHEP 02 (2018) 101
79 citations (inspirehep)

Patterns of Flavour Violation in Models with Vector-Like Quarks. Ch. Bobeth, A.J. Buras, A. Celis, M. Jung, JHEP 04 (2017) 079
93 citations (inspirehep)

K→ pi nu bar nu and epsilon’/epsilon in simplified new physics models., A.J. Buras, D. Buttazzo and R. Knejgens, JHEP 11 (2015) 166
144 citations (inspirehep)

K^+→pi^+ nu bar nu and K_L → pi^0 nu bar nu in the Standard Model: status and perspectives. A.J. Buras, D. Buttazzo, J. Girrbach-Noe, R. Knejgens, JHEP 11 (2015 033
335 citations (inspirehep)

B→ K^(*) nu bar nu decays in the Standard Model and beyond. A.J. Buras, J. Girrbach-Noe, Ch. Niehoff, D. M. Straub
JHEP 02 (2015) 184, 247 citations (inspirehep)

331 models facing new b→ s mu^+ mu^- data. A.J. Buras, F. De Fazio, J. Girrbach, JHEP 02 (2014) 112
217 citations (inspirehep)

Large N Approach to Kaon Decays and Mixing 28 Years Later: Delta I=1/2 Rule, B_K and Delta M_K., A.J. Buras, J-M Gerard, W.A. Bardeen, Eur.Phys.J.C 74 (2014) 2871
108 citations (inspirehep)

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