
Mirjam Ernestus - Publications#

H-index according to Google scholar (June 2022): 40

Ten articles selected from the last 5 years (in descending chronological order):

L. ten Bosch, L. Boves, & M. Ernestus (2022). DIANA, a Process-Oriented Model of Human Auditory Word Recognition. Brain Sciences 12. doi:10.3390/brainsci12050681. This article describes a new computational model of auditory word comprehension, which takes as its input the acoustic signal and can produce as its output word identifications and lexicality decisions, as well as reaction times. It takes into account most modern neuro-physiological evidence.

A. Nijveld, L. ten Bosch, & M. Ernestus (2022). The use of exemplars differs between native and non-native listening. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition , 1-15. doi:10.1017/S1366728922000116. This article documents differences between native and non-native listeners in how much they rely on exemplars. These differences are probably driven by differences in cognitive load.

F. Tomaschek, I. Plag, M. Ernestus, & R.H. Baayen (2021). Phonetic effects of morphology and context: Modeling the duration of word-final S in English with naïve discriminative learning. Journal of Linguistics 57 (1), 123-161. This article is one of the results of the project Spoken Morphology. It shows the power of Native Discriminative Learning.

T. Zee, L. ten Bosch, I. Plag, & M. Ernestus (2021). Paradigmatic relations interact during the production of complex words: evidence from variable plurals in Dutch. Frontiers in Psychology 12, 3629. [website]]. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.720017. This article documents the interaction between different types of paradigmatic relations in speakers' choice of the affixes for real words.

J. Rodd, H.R. Bosker, M. Ernestus, P.M. Alday, A.S. Meyer, & L. Ten Bosch (2020). Control of speaking rate is achieved by switching between qualitatively distinct cognitive ‘gaits’: Evidence from simulation. Psychological Review 127(2), 281-304. doi:10.1037/rev0000172. This article studies the mechanisms underlying changes in speaking rate.

M. Bentum, M. Ernestus, L. ten Bosch, & A. van den Bosch (2019). Do speech registers differ in the predictability of words? International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 24, 98–130. doi:10.1075/ijcl.17062.ben. This article shows that words differ in their predictability given the preceding words as a function of the speech register.

D. Merkx, S.L. Frank, & M. Ernestus (2019). Language learning using speech to image retrieval. Interspeech 2019, pp. 408–418. This article shows the relevance of visually grounded computational models for speech comprehension.

G. Berry & M. Ernestus (2018). Phonetic alignment in English as a lingua franca: Coming together while splitting apart. Second Language Research 34, 343-370. doi:10.1177/0267658317737348. This article documents phonetic alignment by non-native speakers to non-native speakers with a different linguistic background.

S. Brand & M. Ernestus (2018). Listeners’ processing of a given reduced word pronunciation variant directly reflects their exposure to this variant: Evidence from native listeners and learners of French. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5), 1240-1259 (19 citations. This article provides evidence that learners' problems with understanding reduced word pronunciation variants is due to lack of exposure to these variants. This finding has both practical and theoretical consequences.

E. Felker, A. Troncoso-Ruiz, M. Ernestus, & M. Broersma (2018). The ventriloquist paradigm: Studying speech processing in conversation with experimental control over phonetic input. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (4), EL304. [website]]. doi:10.1121/1.5063809. This article presents a new experimental paradigm with which spontaneous speech can be elicited from participants while their speech input is fully controlled for.

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