
Maribel Fierro - Selected publications#

1. The Almohad revolution. Politics and religion in the Islamic West during the twelfth-thirteenth centuries, Ashgate: Variorum, 2012.

2. Abd al-Rahman III: The first Cordoban caliph, Oneworld: Books for thoughtful people, 2005

3. Ibn Hazm of Cordoba. The Life and Works of a Controversial Thinker, Leiden: Brill, 2012. C. Adang, M. Fierro, S. Schmidtke (eds.).

4. The Western Islamic world, eleventh-eighteenth centuries, vol. II: The New Cambridge History of Islam, Cambridge University Press, 2010. M. Fierro (ed.). General editor M. Cook.

5. Public violence in Islamic societies: Power, discipline and the construction of the public sphere (7th-19th centuries CE), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009. C. Lange, M. Fierro (eds.).

6. Los almohades: problemas y perspectivas, Madrid: CSIC / Casa de Velázquez, 2005. P. Cressier, M. Fierro, L. Molina (eds.)

7. “Conversion, ancestry and universal religion: the case of the Almohads in the Islamic West (sixth/twelfth-seventh/thirteenth centuries)”, Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 2 (2010), 155-173.

8. “Genealogies of power in al-Andalus: politics, religion and ethnicity during the second/eighth-fifth/eleventh centuries”, Annales Islamologiques 42 (2008), 29-56; French version: “Les généalogies du pouvoir en al-Andalus: politique, religion et ethnicité aux IIe/VIIIe-Ve/XIe siècles”, in: D. Valérian (ed.), Islamisation et arabisation de l’Occident musulman médiéval (VIIe-XIIe siècle), Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2011, 265-294.

9. “Decapitation of Christians and Muslims in the Medieval Iberian Peninsula: narratives, images, contemporary perceptions”, Comparative Literature Studies, 45/ 2 (2008), 137-164 (volume on Al-Andalus and its Legacies).

10. “Madinat al-zahra’, el Paraíso y los fatimíes”, Al-Qantara XXV (2004), 299-327. Revised English version, in S. Günther and T. Lawson (eds.), Roads to Paradise. Eschatology and concepts of the hereafter in Islam [forthcoming].
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