
Jos Gommans - Selected publications#

The Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire (c.1710-1780) (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1994) [monograph]

“The Silent Frontier of South Asia, c. A.D. 1100-1800”, Journal of World History, 9,1 (1998): 1-25.

Mughal Warfare: Indian Frontiers and Highroads to Empire 1500-1700 (London: Routledge, 2002). [monograph]

With L. Bes and G. Kruijtzer, Dutch Sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825. Vol. 1: Bibliography and Archival Guide to the National Archives at the Hague (The Netherlands) (Delhi: Manohar Publishers, 2001).

With J. Leider (eds), The Maritime Frontier of Burma: Exploring Political, Cultural and Commercial Interaction in the Indian Ocean World, c. 1000-1800 (Amsterdam: KNAW and Leiden: KITLV, 2002).

“War-horse and Post-Nomadic Empire in Asia, c. 1000-1800”, Journal of Global History, 2 (2007): 1-21.

(ed.), Empires and Emporia: The Orient in World Historical Space and Time: Jubilee Issue of the Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, 53,1-2 (2010).

With Jeroen Bos en Gijs Kruijtzer, Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch United East India Company, Deel VI: Voor-Indië, Perzië en het Arabisch Schiereiland / Part VI: India, Persia and the Arabian Peninsula (Voorburg: Asia Maior / Atlas Maior Publishers, 2010); With Rob van Diessen, Grote atlas van de Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie / Comprehensive Atlas of the Dutch United East India Company, Deel VII: Oost Azië, Birma tot Japan / Part VII: East Asia, Burma to Japan (Voorburg: Asia Maior/Atlas Maior Publishers, 2010). [two monographs]

With Piet Emmer, Rijk aan de rand van de wereld: De geschiedenis van Nederland overzee 1600-1800 (Amsterdam: Bert Bakker). [monograph]

Academic Impact:

Jos Gommans is author in major academic series, such as Encyclopeadia of Islam and forthcoming “Continuity and Change in the Indian Ocean Basin, 1400-1800”, in The Cambridge History of the World, Vol. 6, 1-2 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

Impact mainly on History of South Asian (see work of Sanjay Subrahmanyam), Military History (see work of Jeremy Black) and History of Central Asia (see work of Scott Levi). Impact in India confirmed recently by major review article of Jos Gommans's work by Majed Akhter, "Writing the Mughal State as a Spatial Process" in Economic and Political Weekly, 48, 40 (October 05, 2013).

Much of work has been reproduced in India:

Pbk reprint of 1994 monograph Rise of the Indo-Afghan Empire: New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1999).

Pbk reprint of (ed.), Warfare and Weaponry in South Asia (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2004).

"Mughal India and Central Asia in the Eighteenth Century. An Introduction to a Wider Perspective" in S. Levi (ed.), Themes in Indian History: India and Central Asia (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007): 39-64. [reprint 1991 article]

“Limits of Empire”, in Meena Bhargava (ed.), Exploring Medieval India, Vol. 2 (Delhi: Orient Blackswam, 2010): 509-546 [i.e. reprint 2002 article].

"The Silent Frontier" , in Mahesh Rangarajan and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds), India’s Environmental History, Vol. 1: From Ancient Times to the Colonial Period (Delhi: Permanent Black 2011) [i.e. reprint of 1998 article]
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