Peter Horvath - Curriculum Vitae#

  • 2023 DSc. - Hungary
  • 2008 Ph.D. : Digital image analysis - University of Nice, Sophia Antipolis - France
  • 2003 MSc: Computer Science, Mathematics - University of Szeged - Hungary

Positions - current and previous
  • 2023 Senior Researcher - Helmholtz Munich, AI4Health Institute, Germany
  • 2018 Director – Institute of Biochemistry, Biological Research Centre (BRC) – Hungary
  • 2017 -2023 Director – FIMM High-Content Analysis Facility (FIMM-HCA HELMI) – Finland
  • 2016 CEO, Single-Cell Technologies Ltd., Szeged, Hungary
  • 2014 -2023 Distinguished Professor Fellow – FIMM, University of Helsinki – Finland
  • 2014 Research group leader – Biological Research Center, Szeged – Hungary
  • 2007- 2013 Senior Scientist, docent – ETH, Zurich – Switzerland

Publications (as of 01/12/2023)

Peter Horvath has published 128 peer-reviewed scientific articles, with an h-index of 44, a cumulative impact factor of 1346.5, and 13700 citations (Google Scholar –

Research grants

2019 - 2023 Artificial intelligence-driven machines for biological discoveries – PI role – HAS Momentum starting Grant

2019 - 2022 CZI Deep Visual Proteomics Image-guided cell characterization - coPI - Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

2021 - 2023 The proteogenomic map of tumor cell division – PI role - ELKH Excellence Programme

2021 - 2024 Intelligent inference system to support biological discovery and its application in cancer research – coPI - OTKA SNN, NRDIO

2022 - 2025 Artificial intelligence-based single cell analysis - from basic research to the bedside – PI role - Thematic Excellence Programme Grant

2022 - 2025 Discovering the cellular landscape of the airways and the lung (DisvovAIR) – coPI role - H2020 HCA Seeding

2022 - 2026 Deep learning-based methods for automated patch-clamp recording on multiple neurons – PI- NAP3 NRDIO

2022 - 2025 BIALYMP coPI - EU Horizon 2020, TRANSCAN2021

2022 - 2025 Fast Infrared Coherent Harmonic Microscopy ( FAIR CHARM)– coPI - EU Horizon 2020

2023 - 2026 Swept laser enabled non-invasive Diagnostic tools (SWEEPICS) – coPI - EU Horizon

Other relevant professional experiences

2018 Organized the NEUBIAS 2018 Szeged conference (250 participants, the largest bioimage informatics conference worldwide)

2014 – 2016 Councillor (Member of the Board of Directors) for the Society of Biomolecular Imaging and Informatics (SBI2

2010 – Chair of the European Cell-based Assays Interest Group (EUCAI)

2008 – Organizer and Session chair of numerous conferences, meetings, and workshops

2019 Szent-Györgyi Talentum Prize

2018 Straub Plaquette Award

2018 Momentum Award, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

2018 Bolyai Plaquette Award

2016 Pfizer Research Award

2015 Selected and nominated by the HBS for the EBSA (European Biophysical Societies' Association) Young Investigators’ Medal and Prize

2014 Bolyai Fellowship

2014 NAP-B brain research grant for research group establishment (4 years, Szeged, BRC)

2014 Finland Distinguished Professor award and fellowship for research group establishment (5 years, University of Helsinki, Finland)

2007 Marie Curie Fellowship

2002 CEEPUS - Central European Exchange Program (6 months, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria)

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