
Zoltán Kövecses - Biography#

Zoltán Kövecses is Professor Emeritus at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. His main research interests include conceptual metaphor theory, the figurative conceptualization of the emotions, the issue of universality and specificity of conceptual metaphors, the role of context in the production and comprehension of metaphors, and the question of embodiment in metaphor. His major book publications are: Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory (2020, Cambridge), Where Metaphors Come From (2015, Oxford), Metaphor. A Practical Introduction (2010, second edition, Oxford), Language, Mind, and Culture (2006, Oxford), Metaphor in Culture (2005, Cambridge), and Metaphor and Emotion (2000, Cambridge). Altogether, he published 12 monographs in English with leading international publishers, such as Cambridge, Oxford, Springer, Benjamins. He co-edited six books and journal issues.

He is the author of 15 Hungarian-English and English-Hungarian dictionaries, including the most comprehensive and definitive Hungarian-English dictionary, Magyar-Angol Nagyszótár [Unabridged Hungarian-English Dictionary]] in 1998 [with L. Országh and D. Futász as co-editors]] published by the leading Hungarian publisher of dictionaries: Akadémiai Kiadó.

He has written over 100 scholarly articles, most of them in English, that were published in major international journals within the scope of his research areas: Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor and Symbol, Language and Cognition, Review of Cognitive Linguistics, and Cognitive Semantics.

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