
Tania Kouteva - Selected Publications#

Kuteva, Tania 2004. Auxiliation: An Enquiry into the nature of grammaticalization. Oxford University Press (2nd edition).

Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva, 2002. World Lexicon of grammaticalization. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva, 2005. Language contact and grammatical change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Heine, Bernd and Tania Kuteva, 2007. The genesis of grammar: A reconstruction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kaltenböck, Gunther, Bernd Heine and Tania Kuteva 2011. On thetical grammar. Studies in Language 35, 4: 848-893.

Kuteva, Tania & Bernard Comrie 2012. The evolution of language and elaborateness of grammar: the case of relative clauses in Creole languages. In: Comrie, Bernard and Zarina Estrada Fernández (eds.), A typological overview of relative clauses in languages of the Americas. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Heine, Bernd, Tania Kuteva and Gunther Kaltenböck 2014. Discourse Grammar, the dual process model, and brain lateralization: Some correlations. Language & Cognition 6, 1: 146-180 (2014).

Kuteva, Tania, 2017. Contact and borrowing. In: Ledgeway, Adam and Ian Roberts (eds.), forthc. Cambridge Handbook of historical syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kuteva, Tania, Seongha Rhee, Debra Ziegeler, and Jessica Sabban 2017. Are you the queen of England, or what?: On sentence-final "what" in Singlish. Journal of Language Contact, Volume 11.

Heine, Bernd, Gunther Kaltenböck, Tania Kuteva and Haiping Long 2017. Cooptation as a discourse strategy. Linguistics.

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