Gian-Luigi Lenzi#
Membership Number: | 5536 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Elected: | 2020 |
Main Country of Residence: | ITALY |
Present and Previous Positions
- 2020 - 2013 Emeritus Professor of Neurology University of Roma-Sapienza
- 2010 - 2013 Dean, Dept of Neurology and Psychiatry, University of Roma-Sapienza
- 2013 - 1985 Professor of Neurology, 1st University of Roma-Sapienza, 1st Medical School
- 2013 - 2002 Director, 1st Division of Neurology, University Hospital Umberto I°, Roma
- 2013 - 2002 Director, 1st Postgraduate Neurological School, 1st University of Roma-Sapienza
- 2013 - 2002 Professor, Clinical Neurology, 1st Postgraduate Neurological School, Roma
- 1985 - 1981 Associated Professor of Neurology, 1st University of Roma-Sapienza
- 1981 - 1977 Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology , 1st University of Roma-Sapienza
- 1977 - 1973 Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology , University of Siena
- 1972 - 1970 Resident in Neurology, 1st University of Roma-Sapienza
- 1970 - 1967 Assistant Researcher, Institute of Neurophysiology, University of Pisa
Fields of Scholarship
- Nuclear medicine
- Qualitative and quantitative measurements of CBF and CMRO2 in man
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Description of a 4-hour therapeutic window in acute ischaemic stroke in man
- Cerebrovascular disease
- First therapeutic trials in the hyper-acute phase of ischaemic stroke in man
- Clinical aspects of dementia
- Role of the amygdala in human empathy explored with fMRI
Honours and Awards
- 2001 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians UK (Edinburgh)
- 1998 Member Italian Academy of Medicine (coordinator neurology section)