Dino Moras - Curriculum vitae#
Short bio in French

- Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France Master 1968 Crystallography
- Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France Ph.D. 1971 Chemistry
- Purdue University, West-Lafayette, Indiana, USA Post-doc. 1973-1974 Crystallography
Professional Experience
- 1968-1969 Lecturer, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, Strasbourg
- 1969-1979 Research Scientist at CNRS, Institute of Chemistry, Strasbourg
- 1979 Research Director, CNRS
- 1981-1993 Head of Structural laboratory (IBMC), Strasbourg
- 1994-2000 Director, laboratoire de Biologie et Génomique Structurales, (IGBMC), Illkirch
- 2001-2006 Deputy Director of IGBMC, head of the Dept of Structural Biology and Genomics
- 2007-2009 Director of IGBMC
Honors and Awards
- Bronze Medal, CNRS, 1972, silver Medal, 1982
- French Academy of Sciences, 1987-
- European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) member, 1987-
- Academia Europaea, member, 1998-
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences, member, 1998-
- Chevalier de l'ordre de la Légion d'honneur, 2002
- Regent lecturer, University of Riverside (Riverside, CA, USA) 2002
International Activities (since 2000)
- SAC, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg and Hamburg Germany, 2001-2006
- President, EMBL Hambourg Synchrotron Program Committee, 2003-2009
- Executive Committee of International Structural Genomic Organization, 2004-2008
- Expert in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures roadmap process, 2005-2006
- International Scientific Board of the Wellcome Trust Center for Human Genetics,University of Oxford, 2005-
- Executive member and French representative for INSTRUCT, European infrastructure program, 2007-
- Scientific Council, Forschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2008-
- Scientific Committee, Life Sciences and Technology Division of the European Academy of Science, 2009-
Editorial board
- Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1985-
- Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics, 2001-
- EMBO journal and EMBO reports, 2002-
- Nuclear receptor journal, 2002-