Ulrike Sattler - Curriculum Vitae#
- 27.10.2003 Habilitation "Description Logics for Ontologies"
- 29.5.1998 PhD (summa cum laude) "Terminological knowledge representation systems in a process engineering application", honoured with the "Friedrich-Wilhem-Preis fuer herausragende wissenschaftliche Arbeiten"
- 1988 - 1994 Study of Computer Science at the Friedrich-Alexander- Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, Diplom (sehr gut)
- 1985-1988 Apprenticeship to Dressmaker in Bonn, Germany
Service and Leadership:
- PC co-chair for KR 2010, IJCAR 2012, and various workshops
- Member of the Editorial Board of JAR, JLC, JAIR (2001-2005)
- co-organiser of a Dagstuhl Seminar
- PC member of numerous conferences
- Teaching various CS course units since 2001, and in numerous summer schools (in particular ESSLLI) and in conference tutorials
- Co-supervised 5 PhD students and numerous MSc and 3rd year students to completion; involved in supervision and examination of numerous others;
- Chair of Doctoral Consortium at IJCAR 2004
Postgraduate Taught Director of the School of Computer Science (responsible for our MSc programmes) since 2010