Izhak Schnell - Selected Publications#

Schnell, I., Potchter, O., Yaakov, Y., Epstein, Y. 2015 Human Exposure to environmental health concerns by types of urban environments: The case of Tel Aviv, Environmental Pollusion dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2015.08.040

Schnell, I., Diab A., Benenson, I. 2015 A global index for measuring socio-spatial segregation versus integration, Applied Geography, 58, 179-188.

Schnell, I. Leuenberger C. 2014 Mapping genres and geopolitics: the case of Israel Transactions of British Geographers, 39, 4, 518-531.

Schnell, I., Haj-Yahya, N. 2014 Arab integration in Jewish-Israeli social space: does commuting make a difference? Urban Geography, 35, , 1084-1104.

Cohen, P., Potchter, O., Schnell, I. 2014 The impact of an urban park on air pollution and noise levels in the Mediterranean city of Tel Aviv, Israel, Environmental Pollution, 195 73-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.env pol.2014.408.015.

Cohen, P., Potchter, O., Schnell, I. 2014 A Methodological Approach to the Environmental Quantitative Assesment of Urban Parks, Applied Geography, 48, 87-101. Dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.01.006.

Schnell, I., Potchter, O., Epstein, Y., Hermesh, H., Brenner, S. 2013 The effects of exposure to environmental factors on heart rate va.riability: An ecological pwerspective, Environmental Pollution, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016 j.envpol.2013.02.005).

Rosenberg, A., Schnell, I. 2014 Mega Projects as reflection of change in Israeli society, Israel Academic Press: New York.

Leuenberger, C., Schnell, I. (2010) The politics of Maps: Constructing National Territories in Israel, Social Studies of Science, 40, 6, 803-842.

Schnell I. and Mishal, S. (2008) Place as a source of Identity in Colonizing Societies: Israeli Settlements in Gaza, Geographical Review, 98, 2, Pp. 242-259

Schnell, I., Benjamini, Y. (2001) The Socio-Spatial Isolation of Agents in Everyday Life Spaces as an Aspect of Segregation, Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 91, 4. Pp 622-633.

Bar-tal, D. Schnell, I. 2012 The Impact of Lasting Occupation, the Israeli Case, Oxford University Press: Oxford.

Schnell, I., Rosenberger, A., Ronen, G. 2014 Urban parks as sustainable places, Pardes: Haifa.
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