Crispin James Garth Wright - Biography#

Crispin Wright did his PhD at Cambridge before being elected Prize Fellow (1969) at All Souls College, Oxford, where he spent the first nine years of his career. He was appointed to the Chair of Logic and Metaphysics at St. Andrews in 1978, at that time the youngest ever appointment to an established chair in philosophy in the UK. From 1998 until 2009, he was founding director of the Arché Centre at the University of St Andrews, and from 2009 until 2015, founding director of the Northern Institute of Philosophy, University of Aberdeen. In 1988 he was awarded a D. Litt.- a marker of published research of high distinction—from Oxford, and in 2003, an Honorary D.Litt. at the University of Aberdeen. He has been Professor at New York University since 2008, Regius Professor of Logic at Aberdeen University from 2013 until 2015 and Emeritus since then. In 2015, he took up the post of Professor of Philosophical Research at the University of Stirling which he holds to the present day. He has taught at New York University since 2002 and resumed a half-time Global Distinguished Professorship at that same university from Fall 2014. He has held visiting professorships at various other leading research centres, including Columbia University (1997-2002), Magdalen College, Oxford (Trinity Term of 1991), University of Queensland (April-May 1989) and Princeton University (1985-86). He has authored three highly influential monographs and five volumes of collected essays and has over 150 research articles published in leading peer-reviewed journals and distinguished edited collections.

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