
ADVANCE NOTICE of the 2021 Members Business meeting (AGM) and of A SERIES OF ONLINE MEMBER BALLOTS#

Dear Academia Europaea members,

COVID-19 is continuing to cause disruptions to normal activity.

Our 2021 annual conference (Building Bridges) will go ahead in Barcelona on 20-21st October. We will hold a short Annual Business Meeting for members on 21st October.

Agenda and documents of the AGM.#


  • Registration for the AGM is not necessary, all members are welcome to participate (physically or virtually)
  • The AGM 2021 will be held (physical meeting) at the PRBB [Barcelona Biomedical Research Park] - C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88. 08003 Barcelona Maplink.
  • The meeting starts promptly at 09:30am (Spanish time)
  • The meeting will close at 10:45am (Spanish time)
  • Members not attending the meeting in person will be able to log in remotely. The link and password will be sent out by email to all members in October
  • To enable the participation of all members, a series of online ballots will take place prior to the AGM to decide on specific matters of AE business

ANY members wishing to ask a question should email their question IN ADVANCE to the Executive Secretary, Dr. David Coates Execsec@acadeuro.org. The closing date for questions is OCTOBER 10th. It may not be technically possible to ask questions in real time, on the day of the AGM.#

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