
Philippe Agard - Selected Publications#

Agard, P., Prigent, C., Soret, M., Dubacq, B., Guillot, S., Deldicque D., 2020. Slabitization: mechanisms controlling subduction development and viscous coupling. Earth-Science Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103259

Tan Z., Agard P., Gao J., Hong T., Wan B., 2020. Concordant pulse in Mn, Y and HREEs concentrations during UHP eclogitic garnet growth: transient rock dynamics along a cold subduction plate interface. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 530, 115908.

Agard P., Plunder A., Angiboust S., Bonnet G., Ruh J., 2018. The subduction plate interface: rock record and mechanical coupling (from long to short timescales), Lithos, 320–321: 537-566, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2018.09.029

Agard P.,Yamato P.,Soret M.,Prigent C.,Guillot S.,Plunder A.,Dubacq B.,Chauvet A.,Monié P., 2016. Plate interface rheological switches during subduction infancy: control on slab penetration and metamorphic sole formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 451, 208-220.

Duretz T., Agard P., Yamato P., Ducassou C., Burov E., Gerya T., 2015. Thermo-mechanical modeling of the obduction process based on the Oman ophiolite case, Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/j.gr.2015.02.002.

Agard P., Zuo X., Funiciello F., Bellahsen N., Faccenna C., Savva D. 2014. Obduction:why, how and where. Clues from analog models, Earth and Planetary Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2014.02.021.

Agard P., Vitale-Brovarone A., 2013 Thermal regime of continental subduction: the record from exhumed HP-LT terranes (New Caledonia, Oman, Corsica), Tectonophysics, 601,206-215.

Agard P., Omrani J., Jolivet L., Whitechurch H., Vrielynck B., Spakman W., Monié P., Meyer B., Wortel R. Zagros orogeny: a subduction-dominated process, Geological Magazine, doi:10.1017/S001675681100046X

Agard P., Yamato P., Jolivet L., Burov E., Exhumation of oceanic blueschists and eclogites in subduction zones: timing and mechanisms, Earth Science Reviews, 92, 53-79, doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2008.11.002

Agard P., Jolivet L., Vrielynck B., Burov E. & Monié P., 2007, Plate acceleration : the obduction trigger? Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 258, 428-441

Agard P., Omrani J., Jolivet L & Mouthereau F. Convergence history across Zagros (Iran): constraints from collisional and earlier deformation. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 94, 401-419, DOI 10.1007/s00531-005-0481- 4

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