
Clare Brant - Selected Publications#

Balloon Madness - Flights of Imagination in Britain 1783-1786 (Boydell & Brewer 2017)

Life Writing and Death, special issue, European Journal of Life Writing (429 pp.), eds Clare Brant, James Metcalf and Jane Wildgoose, Vol. 9 2020; includes article, ‘Obituaries: a Dead Important Genre’.

Digital Media: Life-Changing Online, special issue, European Journal of Life Writing, eds Clare Brant and Robert Gallagher, Vol.8 2019; includes article, ‘Imaginative Agency: New Possibilities’.

Cher Philippe: A Festschrift for Philippe Lejeune, eds T.G. Ashplant, Clare Brant, Ioana Luca, European Journal of Life Writing Vol.7 2018; includes article ‘Dining with Philippe Lejeune: Just Desserts’.

Fame and Fortune: Sir John Hill and London Life in the 1750s, co-edited with George Rousseau (Palgrave 2017); includes article, ‘The Propagation of Lives: Sir John Who?’, 63-84

The Work of Life Writing eds Clare Brant and Alison Wood, special issue a/b, Auto/Biography Studies, Vol.25 Issue 2, Winter 2010

Walking the Streets of London: John Gay’s Trivia, 1716 (Oxford University Press, 2007) eds Clare Brant and Susan E. Whyman; text of poem edited solely by me

‘Lady Mary Wortley Montagu’, Autobiography/Autofiction: An International and Interdisciplinary Handbook, 3 vols, ed. Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf (de Gruyter Verlag, 2017) 1525-1538

‘Philosophical Playthings? Balloons and the Play of Ideas’, Sich selbst aufs Spiel setzen. Spiel als Technik und Medium von Subjektivierung, eds Christian Moser and Regine Strätling (Fink Verlag, Munich 2016) 327-346

‘Le Roman par Lettres’ in Lettres Européennes: Histoire de la Littérature Europénne eds Annick Benoit et Guy Fontaine, Hachette 1992; issued in English as A History of European Literature eds Benoit, Fontaine and Michael Woof (Routledge 2000) 377-7

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