
Klaus Hasselmann - List of Publications#

Publication list (Books)

1. Turbulent Fluxes Through the Air-Sea Interface, A. Favre and K. Hasselmann (eds.), NATO Conference Series, Series V: Air-Sea Interaction, Plenum Press, New York & London, 677 pp, 1978.

2. The Use of Satellite Data in Climate Models, Conference Proceedings, Alpbach, 10-12 June 1985, L.J. Bengtsson, H.-J. Bolle, P. Gudmandsen, K.Hasselmann, J.T. Houghton and P.Morel (eds.), ESA Scientific and Technical Publications, ESTEC, Nordwijk, 191 pp, 1985.

3. Ocean Wave Modeling, The SWAMP Group, Plenum Press, New York & London, 256 pp, 1985.

4. Wave Dynamics and Radio Probing of the Sea Surface, Conference Proceedings, Miami, May 13-20, 1981, O.M. Phillips and K. Hasselmann (eds.), Plenum Press, New York & London, 694 pp, 1986.

5. Dynamics and Modelling of Ocean Waves, G.K. Komen, L. Cavaleri, M. Donelan, K. Hasselmann, S. Hasselmann and P.A.E.M. Janssen, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 532pp, 1996.

6. Reframing the Problem of Climate Change. From Zero Sum Game to Win-Win solutions. Carlo Jaeger, Klaus Hasselmann, Gerd Leipold, Diana Mangalagia and J. David Tabara, Earthscan, 272 pp, 2012

Papers in refereed journals or equivalent publications

1. Hasselmann, K.: Zur Deutung der dreifachen Geschwindigkeitskorrelationen der isotropen Turbulenz. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift, Bd. 11, Heft 5, S. 207 - 217, 1958.

2. Hasselmann, K.: Die Totalreflexion von kugelförmigen Kompressions-fronten in elastischen Medien; v. Schmidtsche Kopfwellen. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Bd. 38, S. 310 - 312, 1958.

3. Hasselmann, K.: Die Totalreflexion von kugelförmigen Kompressionsfronten in elastischen Medien; v. Schmidtsche Kopfwellen. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Bd. 40, S. 464 - 472, 1960.

4. Hasselmann, K.: Grundgleichungen der Seegangsvoraussage. Schiffstechnik, Bd. 7, S. 191 - 195, 1960.

5. Hasselmann, K.: Über den nichtlinearen Energieaustausch innerhalb eines Seegangsspektrums. Sonderdruck aus Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Sonderheft (GAMM-Tagung Würzburg) Bd. 41, 1961.

6. Hasselmann, K.: On the nonlinear energy transfer in a wave spectrum. Proc.Conf.Ocean Wave Spectra, Easton, Md., pp. 191 - 200, 1961.

7. Hasselmann, K.: Interpretation of Phillips' wave growth mechanism. Proc.Conf. Ocean Wave Spectra, Easton, Md., 1961.

8. Hasselmann, K.: Über zufallserregte Schwingungssysteme. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Bd. 42, S. 465 - 576, 1962.

9. Hasselmann, K.: On the nonlinear energy transfer in a gravity-wave spectrum. Part 1: General theory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 12, Part 4, pp. 481 - 500, 1962.

10. Hasselmann, K.: On the nonlinear energy transfer in a gravity-wave spectrum. Part 2: Conservation theorems; wave-particle analogy; irreversibility. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 15, pp. 273 - 281, 1963.

11. Hasselmann, K.: On the nonlinear energy transfer in a gravity-wave spectrum. Part 3: Evaluation of the energy flux and swell-sea interaction for a Neumann spectrum. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 15, pp. 385 - 398, 1963.

12. Hasselmann, K., W.H. Munk, and G.J.F. MacDonald: Bispectra of ocean waves. Time Series Analysis. M. Rosenblatt (editor), pp. 125 - 139, 1963.

13. Hasselmann, K.: A statistical analysis of the generation of microseisms. Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 177 - 210, 1963.

14. Munk, W., and K. Hasselmann: Super-resolution of tides. Studies on Oceanography, pp. 339 - 344, 1964.

15. Hasselmann, K.: Über Streuprozesse in nichtlinear gekoppelten Wellenfeldern. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, Sonderheft (GAMM-Tagung), Bd. 45. pp. T114 - T115, 1965.

16. Snodgrass, F.E., G.W. Groves, K.F. Hasselmann, C.R. Miller, W.H. Munk, and W.H. Powers: Propagation of ocean swell across the Pacific. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series Mathematical and Physical Sciences, No. 1103, Vol. 259, pp. 431 - 497, 1966.

17. Hasselmann, K.: On nonlinear ship motions in irregular waves. Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 64 - 68, 1966.

18. Hasselmann, K.: Feynman diagrams and interaction rules of wave-wave scattering processes. Review of Geophysics, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1 - 32, 1966.

19. Hasselmann, K.: The sea surface. 2nd International Oceanographic Congress, pp. 49 - 54, 1966.

20. Hasselmann, K.: Generation of waves by turbulent wind. Sixth Symposium Naval Hydrodynamics, pp. 585 - 592, 1966.

21. Hasselmann, K.: Nonlinear interactions treated by the methods of theoretical physics (with application to the generation of waves by wind). Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, Vol. 299, pp. 77 - 100, 1967.

22. Hasselmann, K.: A criterion for nonlinear wave stability. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 30, Part 4, pp. 737 - 739, 1967.

23. Hasselmann, K.: Weak-interaction theory of ocean waves. Basic Developments in Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 2, pp. 117 - 182, 1968.

24. Hasselmann, K., and J.I. Collins: Spectral dissipation of finite-depth gravity waves due to turbulent bottom friction. Journal of Marine Research, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 1 - 12, 1968.

25. Hasselmann, K., and G. Wibberenz: Scattering of charged particles by random electromagnetic fields. Zeitschrift für Geophysik, Band 34, S. 353 - 388, 1968.

26. Wibberenz, G., K. Hasselmann, and D. Hasselmann: Comparison of particle-field interaction theory with solar proton diffusion coefficients. Eleventh International Conference on Cosmic Rays. Acta Physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 29, Suppl. 2, pp. 37 - 46, 1970.

27. Hasselmann, K.: Wave-driven inertial oscillations. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 1, pp. 463 - 502, 1970.

28. Essen, H.-H., and K. Hasselmann: Scattering of low-frequency sound in the ocean. Zeitschrift für Geophysik, Bd. 36, S. 655 - 678, 1970.

29. Hasselmann, K., and G. Wibberenz: A note on the parallel diffusion coefficient. The Astrophysical Journal, 162, pp. 1049 - 1051, 1970.

30. Hasselmann, K.: Der Sonnenwind. Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, S. 22 - 25, 1970.

31. Hasselmann, K., and M. Schieler: Radar backscatter from the sea surface. Eighth Symposium Naval Hydrodynamics, pp. 361 - 388, 1970.

32. Hasselmann, K.: On the mass and momentum transfer between short gravity waves and larger-scale motions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 50, Part 1, pp. 189 - 205, 1971.

33. Hasselmann, K.: Determination of ocean wave spectra from Doppler radio return from the sea surface. Nature Physical Science, Vol. 229, No. 1, pp. 16 - 17, 1971.

34. Hasselmann, K.: Die Vorhersage in der Meeresforschung. Meerestechnik (Marine Technology), Bd. 3, No. 3, S. 96 - 99, 1972.

35. Hasselmann, K., T.P. Barnett, E. Bouws, H. Carlson, D.E. Cartwright, K. Enke, J.A. Ewing, H. Gienapp, D.E. Hasselmann, P. Kruseman, A. Meerburg, P. Müller, D.J. Olbers, K. Richter, W. Sell, and H. Walden: Measurements of wind-wave growth and swell decay during the Joint North Sea Wave Project (JONSWAP). Ergänzungsheft zur Deutschen Hydrographi-schen Zeitschrift, Reihe A (8\xa1 ), No. 12, 1973.

36. Hasselmann, K.: On the characterisation of the wave field in the problem of ship response. Schiffstechnik, Bd. 20, Heft 102, pp. 56 - 60, 1973.

37. Hasselmann, K.: On the spectral dissipation of ocean waves due to white capping. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 6, pp. 107 - 127, 1974.

38. Alpers, W., K. Hasselmann, and M. Schieler: Fernerkundung der Meeresoberfläche von Satelliten aus. Raumfahrtforschung, Bd. 19, Heft 1, pp. 1 - 7, 1975.

39. Hasselmann, K., D.B. Ross, P. Müller, and W. Sell: A parametric wave prediction model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 200 - 228, 1976.

40. Hasselmann, K.: Stochastic climate models, Part 1: Theory. Tellus, Vol. 28, pp. 473 - 485, 1976.

41. Frankignoul, C., and K. Hasselmann: Stochastic climate models, Part 2: Application to sea-surface temperature anomalies and thermocline variability. Tellus, Vol. 29, pp. 289 - 305, 1977.

42. Hasselmann, K., D.B. Ross, P. Müller, and W. Sell: Reply to "Comments on 'A parametric wave prediction mode". Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 134 - 137, 1977.

43. Hasselmann, K.: Application of two-timing methods in statistical geophysics. Journal of Geophysics, Vol. 43, pp. 351 - 358, 1977.

44. Hasselmann, K., and K. Herterich: Klima und Klimavorhersage. Die Meteorologen-Tagung in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 13. - 16.4.1977, Annalen der Meteorologie No. 12, S. 42 - 46, 1977.

45. Leipold, G., and K. Hasselmann: Lösung von Bewegungsgleichungen durch Projektion auf Parametergleichungen, dargestellt an der ozeanischen Deckschicht. Die Meteorologen-Tagung in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 13. - 16. April 1977, Annalen der Meteorologie No. 2, S. 50 - 51, 1977.

46. Crombie, D.D., K. Hasselmann, and W. Sell: High-frequency radar observations of sea waves travelling in opposition to the wind. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 13, pp. 45 - 54, 1978.

47. Alpers, W., and K. Hasselmann: The two-frequency microwave technique for measuring ocean-wave spectra from an airplane or satellite. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 13, pp. 215 - 230, 1978.

48. Hasselmann, K.: On the spectral energy balance and numerical prediction of ocean waves. Proceedings of the NATO Symposium on Turbulent Fluxes through the Sea Surface, Wave Dynamics, and Prediction. Ile de Bendor, France, 12 - 16 Sept. 1977, pp. 531 - 545, A. Favre and K. Hasselmann (eds.), Plenum Publ. Corp., 1978.

49. Shemdin, O., K. Hasselmann, S.V. Hsiao, and K. Herterich: Nonlinear and linear bottom interaction effects in shallow water. Proceedings of the NATO Symposium on Turbulent Fluxes through the Sea Surface, Wave Dynamics, and Prediction. Ile de Bendor, France, 12 - 16 Sept. 1977, pp. 347 - 372, A. Favre and K. Hasselmann (eds.), Plenum Publ. Corp., 1978.

50. Hasselmann, K., W. Alpers, D. Barrick, D. Crombie, C. Elachi, A. Fung, H. van Hutten, W. Jones, G.P. de Loor, B. Lipa, R. Long, D. Ross, C. Rufenach, W. Sandham, O. Shemdin, C. Teague, D. Trizna, G. Valenzuela, E. Walsh, F. Wentz, and J. Wright: Radar measurements of wind and waves. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Vol. 13, pp. 405 - 412, 1978.

51. Alpers, W., K. Hasselmann, and J. Kunstmann: On the validity of weak particle-field interaction theory for the description of cosmic-ray particle diffusion in random magnetic fields. Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 58, pp. 259 - 271, 1978.

52. Hasselmann, K.: On the problem of multiple time scales in climate modelling. Man's Impact on Climate. Proceedings of an International Conference held in Berlin, June 14 - 16, 1978. W. Bach (ed.)

53. Hasselmann, K.: Linear statistical models. Proceedings of the JOC/SCOR Study Conference on General Circulation Models in the Ocean and their Relation to Climate, Helsinki, 23 - 27 May 1977. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Vol. 3, pp. 501 - 521, 1979.

54. Long, R.B., and K. Hasselmann: A variational technique for extracting directional spectra from multi-component wave data. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 373 - 381, 1979.

55. Günther, H., W. Rosenthal, T.J. Weare, B.A. Worthington, K. Hasselmann, and J.A. Ewing: A hybrid parametrical wave prediction model. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 84, No. C9, pp. 5727 - 5738, 1979.

56. Barnett, T.P., and K. Hasselmann: Techniques of linear prediction, with application to oceanic and atmospheric fields in the tropical Pacific. Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 949 - 968, 1979.

57. Hasselmann, K.: On the signal-to-noise problem in atmospheric response studies. Meteorology of Tropical Oceans (ed. D.B. Shaw). Royal Meteorological Society, pp. 251 - 259, 1979.

58. Shemdin, O.H., S.V. Hsiao, H.E. Carlson, K. Hasselmann, and K. Schulze: Mechanisms of wave transformation in finite-depth water. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 85, No. C9, pp. 5012 - 5018, 1980.

59. Herterich, K., and K. Hasselmann: A similarity relation for the nonlinear energy transfer in a finite-depth gravity-wave spectrum. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 97, Part 1, pp. 215 - 224, 1980.

60. Hasselmann, K.: Ein stochastisches Modell der natürlichen Klimavariabilität. Das Klima, Analysen und Modelle, Geschichte und Zukunft. (Oeschger et al.), Springer-Verlag, pp. 259 - 260, 1980.

61. Hasselmann, K.: A simple algorithm for the direct extraction of the two-dimensional surface image spectrum from the return signal of a synthetic aperture radar. The International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 219 - 240, 1980.

62. Lemke, P., E.W. Trinkl, and K. Hasselmann: Stochastic dynamic analysis of polar sea ice variability. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 2100 - 2120, 1980.

63. Cardone, V., H. Carlson, J.A. Ewing, K. Hasselmann, S. Lazanoff, W. McLeish, and D. Ross; The surface wave environment in the GATE B/C Scale - Phase III. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 1280 - 1293, 1981.

64. Hasselmann, K.: Construction and verification of stochastic climate models. NATO Advanced Study Institute, First course of the International School of Climatology, Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture, Erice (Italy), 9 - 21 March 1980. A. Berger (ed.) Climatic Variations and Variability; Facts and Theories, pp. 481 - 497, 1981, D. Reidel Publ. Co.

65. Barnett, T.P., R.W. Preisendorfer, L.M. Goldstein, and K. Hasselmann: Significance tests for regression model hierarchies. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 1150 - 1154, 1981.

66. Hasselmann, K.: Modeling the global oceanic circulation for climatic space and time scales. NATO Advanced Research Institute on 'Large Scale Transport of Heat and Matter in the Oceans', Sept. 20 - 29, 1981, Château de Bonas, Castera-Verduzan, Gers, France. Eric B. Kraus and Michèle Fieux (eds.), pp. 112 - 122, 1981.

67. Hasselmann, K., and T.P. Barnett: Techniques of linear prediction for systems with periodic statistics. Journal of the Atmospheric Science, Vol. 38, No. 10, pp. 2275 - 2283, 1981.

68. Herterich, K., and K. Hasselmann: The horizontal diffusion of tracers by surface waves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 704 - 711, 1982.

69. Hasselmann, K.: An ocean model for climate variability studies. Proceed-ings of the Symposium on the Climate of the Ocean, Miami, 1980, Progress in Oceanography, Vol. 11, pp. 69 - 92, 1982.

70. Hasselmann, K., and O.H. Shemdin: Remote sensing experiment in MARSEN. The International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 359 - 361, 1982.

71. Alpers, W., and K. Hasselmann: Spectral signal-to-clutter and thermal noise properties of ocean wave imaging synthetic aperture radars. The International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 423 - 446, 1982.

72. Hasselmann, K., and K. Herterich: Application of inverse modelling techniques to paleoclimatic data. Proc. Workshop on Paleoclimatic Research and Models (PRaM), Brussels, Dec. 15 - 17, 1982. A. Ghazi (ed.), D. Reidel Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 52 - 68, 1983.

73. Barnett, T.P., H.-D. Heinz, and K. Hasselmann: Statistical prediction of seasonal air temperature over Eurasia. Tellus, Vol. 36A, pp. 132 - 146, 1984.

74. Komen, G.J., S. Hasselmann, and K. Hasselmann: On the existence of a fully developed wind-sea spectrum. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 14, No. 8, pp. 1271 - 1285, 1984.

75. Hasselmann, S., and K. Hasselmann: The wave model EXACT-NL. Chapter 24, Ocean Wave Modeling, pp. 249 - 251, The SWAMP Group. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1985.

76. The SWAMP Group: J.H. Allender, T.P. Barnett, L. Bertotti, J. Bruinsma, V.J. Cardone, L. Cavaleri, J. Ephraums, B. Golding, A. Greenwood, J. Guddal, H. Günther, K. Hasselmann, S. Hasselmann, P. Joseph, S. Kawai, G.J. Komen, L. Lawson, H. Linné, R.B. Long, M. Lybanon, E. Maeland, W. Rosenthal, Y. Toba, T. Uji and W.J.P. de Voogt: Ocean Wave Modeling, Part 1: The Sea Wave Modelling Project (SWAMP), Principal results and conclusions. Plenum Publishing Corporation, 1985.

77. Hasselmann, S., and K. Hasselmann: Computations and parameterizations of the nonlinear energy transfer in a gravity wave spectrum. Part I: A new method for efficient computations of the exact nonlinear transfer integral. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 1369 - 1377, 1985.

78. Hasselmann, S., K. Hasselmann, J.H. Allender, and T.P. Barnett: Computations and parameterizations of the nonlinear energy transfer in a gravity wave spectrum. Part II: Parameterizations of the nonlinear energy transfer for application in wave models. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 15, No. 11, pp. 1378 - 1391, 1985.

79. Hasselmann, K., R.K. Raney, W.J. Plant, W. Alpers, R.A. Shuchman, D.R. Lyzenga, C.L. Rufenach, and M.J. Tucker: Theory of SAR ocean wave imaging: A MARSEN view. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 90, No. C3, pp. 4659 - 4686, 1985.

80. Hasselmann, K.: Assimilation of microwave data in atmospheric and wave models. Proceedings of a Conference on the Use of Satellite Data in Climate Models. Alpbach, Austria, June 10 - 12, 1985. ESA SP-244, Sept. 1985.

81. Attema, E., L. Bengtsson, L. Bertotti, L. Cavaleri, A. Cavanie, R. Frassetto, T. Guymer, K. Hasselmann (chairman), T. Kaneshige, G. Komen, D. Offiler, S. Larsen, J. Louet, N. Pierdicca, J. Powell, C. Rapley, W. Rosenthal, K. Schwenzfeger, J. Thomas, P. Trivero, and W.J.P. de Voogt: Report on the Working Group on Wind and Wave Data. Proceedings of a Conference on the Use of Satellite Data in Climate Models. Alpbach, Austria, June 10 - 12, 1985. ESA SP-244, Sept. 1985.

82. Kruse, H.A., and K. Hasselmann: Investigation of processes governing the large-scale variability of the atmosphere using low-order barotropic spectral models as a statistical tool. Tellus, Vol. 38A, No. 1, pp. 12 - 24, 1986.

83. Hasselmann, K., and W. Alpers: The response of synthetic aperture radar to ocean surface waves. In: Proc. IUCRM Symposium on Wave Dynamics and Radio Probing of the Ocean Surface. O.M. Phillips and K. Hasselmann (eds.), Plenum Publishing Corpora-tion, 1986.

84. Hasselmann, K.: Wave modelling activities of the WAM Group relevant to ERS-1. Proceedings of an ESA Workshop on ERS-1 Wind and Wave Calibration, June 2 - 6, 1986, Schliersee, FRG. ESA SP-262, pp. 173 - 175, Sept. 1986.

85. Hasselmann, K. (chairman), T.H. Guymer, D.R. Johnson, T. Kaneshige, M.P. Lefebvre, C. Rapley, E. Mollo-Christensen, P. Lecomte, J.J. Conde, E. Svendson, and A. Liferman: The feasibility of an ERS-1 oriented, but scientifically autonomous, international experiment campaign. Report of Working Group 6. Proceedings of an ESA Workshop on ERS-1 Wind and Wave Calibration, June 2 - 6, 1986, Schliersee, FRG. ESA SP-262, Sept. 1986.

86. Young, I.R., S. Hasselmann, and K. Hasselmann: Computations of the response of a wave spectrum to a sudden change in the wind direction. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 17, pp. 1317 - 1338, 1987.

87. Maier-Reimer, E., and K. Hasselmann: Transport and storage of CO2 in the ocean - an inorganic ocean-circulation carbon cycle model. Climate Dynamics, Vol. 2, pp. 63 - 90, 1987.

88. Herterich, K., and K. Hasselmann: Extraction of mixed layer advection velocities, diffusion coefficients, feedback factors and atmospheric forcing parameters from the statistical analysis of North Pacific SST anomaly fields. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 2145 - 2156, 1987.

89. Sausen, R., K. Barthel, and K. Hasselmann: Coupled ocean-atmosphere models with flux correction. Climate Dynamics, Vol. 2, pp. 145 - 163, 1988.

90. The WAM-Development and Implementation Group: E. Bauer, L. Bertotti, C.V. Cardone, J.A. Ewing, J.A. Greenwood, A. Guillaume, K. Hasselmann, S. Hasselmann, P.A.E.M. Janssen, G.J. Komen, P. Lionello, M. Reistad, and L. Zambresky: The WAM Model - a third generation ocean wave prediction model, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 18, No. 12, pp. 1775 - 1810, 1988.

91. Winebrenner, D.P., and K. Hasselmann: Specular point scattering contribution to the mean Synthetic Aperture Radar image of the ocean surface. Journal of Geophysical Resarch, Vol. 93, No. C8, pp. 9281 - 9294, 1988.

92. Hasselmann, K.: Some problems in the numerical simulation of climate variability using high-resolution coupled models. Proceedings of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Physically-Based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Change, Part I, 11 - 23 May 1986, Erice, Italy. Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences - Vol. 243. (M.E. Schlesinger, editor), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 583 - 614, 1988.

93. Hasselmann, K.: PIPs and POPs - The reduction of complex dynamical systems using principal interaction and oscillation patterns, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 93, No. D9, pp. 11,015 - 11,021, 1988.

94. Storch, H.v., T. Bruns, I. Fischer-Bruns, and K. Hasselmann: Principal oscillation pattern analysis of the 30 - 60 day oscillation in a general circulation model equatorial troposphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 93, No. D9, pp. 11,022 - 11,036, 1988.

95. Hasselmann, K.: Scientific Efforts and Assessment - The State of the Art. World Congress 'Climate and Development, Climatic Change and Variability and the Resulting Social, Economic and Technological Implications', Hamburg, 7 - 10 November 1988.

96. Hasselmann, K.: Das Klimaproblem - eine Herausforderung an die Forschung. In: Wie die Zukunft Wurzeln schlug - 40 Jahre Forschung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Ed.: R. Gerwin). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 145 - 159, October 1989.

97. Brüning, C., W. Alpers, and K. Hasselmann: Monte Carlo simulation studies of the nonlinear imaging of a two-dimensional surface wave field by a Synthetic Aperture Radar. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 11, No. 10, pp. 1695 - 1727, 1990.

98. Hasselmann, K.: Waves, Dreams and Visions. Johns Hopkins APL, Technical Digest, Vol. 11, Nos 3 and 4, pp. 366 - 369, 1990.

99. Hasselmann, K.: Letter on David Mermin's October 1989 Reference Frame. Physics Today, p. 15, June 1990.

100. Hasselmann, K., and S. Hasselmann: On the nonlinear mapping of an ocean wave spectrum into a SAR image spectrum and its inversion. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 96, No. C6, pp. 10,713 - 10,729, 1991.

101. Hasselmann, K., S. Hasselmann, C. Brüning, and A. Speidel: Interpretation and application of SAR wave image spectra in wave models. Directional Ocean Wave Spectra (ed. Robert C. Beal). The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 117 - 124, 1991.

102. Donelan, M., R. Ezraty, M. Banner, K. Hasselmann, P. Janssen, O. Phillips, and F. Dobson: LEWEX Panel Discussion. Directional Ocean Wave Spectra (ed. Robert C. Beal). The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991.

103. Hasselmann, K.: How well can we predict the climate crisis? Conference on Environmental Scarcity: The International Dimension, 5 - 6 July 1990, Kiel, FRG (Ed.: Horst Siebert). Symposien- und Konferenzbände des Instituts für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tübingen. pp. 165 - 183, 1991.

104. Hasselmann, K.: Ocean Circulation and Climate Change. Special issue in commemoration of Bert Bolin's 65th birthday. Tellus 43AB, pp. 82 - 103, 1991.

105. Bakan, S., A. Chlond, U. Cubasch, J. Feichter, H. Graf, H. Gra\xa7 l, K. Hasselmann, I. Kirchner, M. Latif, E. Roeckner, R. Sausen, U. Schlese, D. Schriever, I. Schult, U. Schumann, F. Sielmann, and W. Welke: Climate response to smoke from burning oil wells in Kuwait. Nature. Vol. 351, No. 6325, pp. 367 - 371, 1991.

106. Cubasch, U., K. Hasselmann, H. Höck, E. Maier-Reimer, U. Mikolajewicz, B.D. Santer, and R. Sausen: Climate change prediction with a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Proceedings of AMS Meeting in Denver, 5th Conference on Climate Variations, 1991.

107. Bauer, E., S. Hasselmann, K. Hasselmann, and H.C. Graber: Validation and assimilation of SEASAT altimeter wave heights using the WAM wave model. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 97, No. C8, pp. 12,671 - 12,682, 1992.

108. Bauer, E., K. Hasselmann, and I.R. Young: Satellite data assimilation in the wave model 3G-WAM. Proceedings of the Central Symposium of the "International Space Year" Conference, Munich, Germany, 30. March - 4. April 1992. ESA SP-341, pp. 377 - 380, July 1992.

109. Cubasch, U., K. Hasselmann, H. Höck, E. Maier-Reimer, U. Mikolajewicz, B.D. Santer, and R. Sausen: Time-dependent greenhouse warming computations with a coupled ocean-atmosphere model. Climate Dynamics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 55 - 69, 1992.

110. Hasselmann, K., R. Sausen, E. Maier-Reimer, and R. Vo\xa7 : Das Kaltstartproblem bei Klimasimulationen mit gekoppelten Atmosphäre-Ozean-Modellen. Annalen der Meteorologie, Bd. 27, S. 153 - 154, 1992.

111. Brüning, C., S. Hasselmann, K. Hasselmann, S. Lehner, and T. Gerling: On the extraction of ocean wave spectra from ERS-1 SAR wave mode image spectra. Proceedings of the first ERS-1 Symposium, Cannes, France, 4. - 6. Nov. 1992,

ESA Publication, pp. 747 - 752, 1992.

112. Maier-Reimer, E., U. Mikolajewicz, and K. Hasselmann: Mean circulation of the Hamburg LSG OGCM and its sensitivity to the thermohaline surface forcing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 731 - 757, 1993.

113. Snyder, R.L., W.C. Thacker, K. Hasselmann, S. Hasselmann, and G. Barzel: Implementation of an efficient scheme for calculating nonlinear transfer from wave-wave interactions, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 98, No. C8, pp. 14,507 - 14,525, 1993.

114. Hasselmann, K., R. Sausen, E. Maier-Reimer, and R. Vo\xa7 : On the cold start problem in transient simulations with coupled atmosphere-ocean models. Climate Dynamics, 9, pp. 53 - 61, 1993.

115. Hasselmann, K.: Optimal finger prints for the detection of time dependent climate change. Journal of Climate, Vol. 6, No. 10, pp. 1957 - 1971, 1993.

116. Heinze, C., and K. Hasselmann: Inverse multi-parameter modelling of paleo-climate carbon cycle indices. Quaternary Research, 40, pp. 281 - 296, 1993.

117. Brüning, C., S. Hasselmann, K. Hasselmann, S. Lehner, and T. Gerling: A first evaluation of ERS-1 synthetic aperture radar wave mode data. The Global Atmosphere and Ocean System, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 61 - 98, 1994.

118. Santer, B.D., W. Brüggemann, U. Cubasch, K. Hasselmann, H. Höck, E. Maier-Reimer, and U. Mikolajewicz: Signal-to-noise analysis of time-dependent greenhouse warming experiments. Part 1: Pattern analysis. Climate Dynamics, Vol. 9, pp. 267 - 285, 1994.

119. Santer, B.D., U. Mikolajewicz, W. Brüggemann, U. Cubasch, K. Hasselmann, H. Höck, E. Maier-Reimer, and T.M.L. Wigley: Ocean variability and its influence on the detectability of greenhouse warming signals. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 100, No. C6, pp. 10,693 - 10,725, 1995.

120. Bauer, E., K. Hasselmann, I.R. Young, and S. Hasselmann: Assimilation of wave data into the wave model WAM using an impulse response function method. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 101, No. C2, pp. 3801 - 3816, 1996.

121. Storch, H.v., and K. Hasselmann: Climate variability and change. In: Climate Change and Ocean Forecasting, pp. 33 - 58, 1996.

122. Lehner, S., T. Bruns, and K. Hasselmann: Test of a new onboard shiprouteing system. Proceedings of the second ERS Applications Workshop, London, U.K., 6 - 8 December 1995 (ESA SP-383, February 1996).

123. Hasselmann, S., C. Brüning, K. Hasselmann, and P. Heimbach: An improved algorithm for the retrieval of ocean wave spectra from synthetic aperture radar image spectra. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 101, No. C7, pp. 16,615 - 16,629, 1996.

124. Hegerl, G.C., H. v. Storch, K. Hasselmann, B.D. Santer, U. Cubasch, and P.D. Jones: Detecting greenhouse gas-induced climate change with an optimal fingerprint method. Journal of Climate, Vol. 9, No. 10, pp. 2281 - 2306, 1996.

125. Hasselmann, K.: The metron model: Elements of a unified deterministic theory of fields and particles. Part 1: The Metron Concept. Physics Essays, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 311 - 325, 1996. (quant-ph/9606033)

126. Hasselmann, K.: The metron model: Elements of a unified deterministic theory of fields and particles. Part 2: The Maxwell Dirac-Einstein System. Physics Essays, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 460 - 475, 1996. (quant-ph/9606033)

127. Lionello, P., K. Hasselmann, and G.L. Mellor: On the Coupling between a Surface Wave Model and a Model of the Mixed Layer in the Ocean. In: The Air-Sea Interface. Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics. M.A. Donelan, W.H. Hui and W.J. Plant (eds). Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Univ. Miami, pp. 195 - ...., 1996.

128. Barzel, G., R.B. Long, S. Hasselmann, and K. Hasselmann: Wave Model Fitting using the Adjoint Technique. In: The Air-Sea Interface. Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics. M.A. Donelan, W.H. Hui and W.J. Plant (eds). Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Univ. Miami, pp. 347 - ...., 1996.

129. Hasselmann, S., K. Hasselmann, and C. Brüning: Extraction of Wave Data from ERS-1 SAR Wave Mode Image Spectra. In: The Air-Sea Interface. Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics. M.A. Donelan, W.H. Hui and W.J. Plant (eds). Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, Univ. Miami, pp. 773 - ...., 1996.

130. Hasselmann, K.: The metron model: Elements of a unified deterministic theory of fields and particles. Part 3: Quantum Phenomena. Physics Essays, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 64 - 86, 1997. (quant-ph/9606033)

131. Hasselmann, K.: The metron model: Elements of a unified deterministic theory of fields and particles. Part 4: The standard Model. Physics Essays, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 269 - 286, 1997. (quant-ph/9606033)

132. Hasselmann, K.: Are we seeing Global Warming? Science, Vol. 276, pp. 914 - 915, 1997.

133. Hasselmann, K., S. Hasselmann, R. Giering, V. Ocaña, and H. v. Storch: Sensitivity study of optimal CO2 emission paths using a simplified Structural Integrated Assessment Model (SIAM), Climatic Change, 37, pp. 345 - 386, 1997.

134. Hasselmann, K.: Multi-pattern fingerprint method for detection and attribution of climate change, Climate Dynamics 13, pp. 601 - 611, 1997.

135. Hegerl, G.C., K. Hasselmann, U. Cubasch, J.F.B. Mitchell, E. Roeckner, R. Voss, and J. Waszkewitz: Multi-fingerprint detection and attribution analysis of greenhouse gas, gas-plus-aerosol and solar forced climate change. Climate Dynamics 13, pp. 613 - 634, 1997.

136. Hasselmann, K.: Climate-change research after Kyoto. Nature, Vol. 390, pp. 225 - 226, 1997.

137. Heimbach, P., S. Hasselmann, and K. Hasselmann: A Three Year Global Intercomparison of ERS-1 SAR Wave Mode Spectral Retrievals with WAM Model Data. Proc. 3rd ERS Symp. on Space at the Service of our Environment, Florence, Italy, 17. - 21. March 1997 (ESA SP-414, 3 Vols., May 1997) pp. 1143 - 1149.

138. Bauer, E., S. Hasselmann, P. Lionello, and K. Hasselmann: Comparison of Assimilation Results from an Optimal Interpolation and the Green's Function Method using ERS-1 SAR Wave Mode Spectra. Proc. 3rd ERS Symp. on Space at the Service of our Environment, Florence, Italy, 17. - 21. March 1997 (ESA SP-414, 3 Vols., May 1997) pp. 1131 - 1136.

139. Heimbach, P., S. Hasselmann, and K. Hasselmann: Statistical analysis and intercomparison of WAM model data with global ERS-1 SAR wave mode spectral retrievals over 3 years. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 103, No. C4, pp. 7931 - 7977, 1998.

140. Hasselmann, K.: The metron model: Towards a unified deterministic theory of fields and particles, in "Understanding Physics", Richter,A.K.(ed.), Copernicus-Gesellschaft, pp. 155-186, 1998. (hep-th/9810086)

141. Hasselmann, K.: Conventional and Bayesian approach to climate-change detection and attribution. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 124, pp. 2541 - 2565, 1998.

142. Hasselmann, K.: Modellierung natürlicher und anthropogener Klimaänderungen. Physikalische Blätter, 55, Nr. 1, pp. 27 - 30, 1999.

143. Hasselmann, K.: Linear and Nonlinear Signatures of Climate Change. Nature, Vol. 398, pp. 755 - 756, 1999.

144. Hasselmann, K.: Intertemporal Accounting of Climate Change - Harmonizing Economic Efficiency and Climate Stewardship. Climatic Change, Vol. 41, Nos 3 - 4, pp. 333 - 350, 1999.

145. Petschel-Held, G., H.-J. Schellnhuber, T. Bruckner, F.L. Tóth, and K. Hasselmann: The Tolerable Windows Approach: Theoretical and Methodological Foundations. Climatic Change, Vol. 41, Nos 3 - 4, pp. 303 - 331, 1999.

146. Hasselmann, K.: Climate prediction is heavy weather. Physics World, Vol. 12, No. 12, p. 24 (December 1999), 1999.

147. Barnett, T.P., K. Hasselmann, M. Chelliah, T. Delworth, G. Hegerl, P. Jones, E. Rasmusson, E. Roeckner, C. Ropelewski, B. Santer, and S. Tett: Detection and Attribution of Recent Climate Change: A Status Report. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 80, No. 12, 2631 - 2659, 1999.

148. K. Hasselmann, M. Latif, G. Hooss, C. Azar, O. Edenhofer, C. C. Jaeger, O. M. Johannessen, C. Kemfert, M. Welp, and A. Wokaun: The Challenge of Long-Term Climate Change. Science, Vol. 302, 1923 - 1925, 2003.

149. Joos, F., I.C. Prentice, S. Sitch, R. Meyer, G. Hooss, G.-K. Plattner, S. Gerber and K. Hasselmann: Global warming feedbacks on terrestrial carbon uptake under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenarios, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 891-908, 2001. 150. Hooss, G., R. Voss, K. Hasselmann, E. Maier-Reimer and F. Joos: A nonlinear impulse response model of the coupled carbon cycle-climate system, Climate Dynamics, No. 18, pp. 189-202, 2001.

151. Hasselmann, K.: Is Climate predictable? In "Science of Disasters" A. Bunde, J. Kropp, H.J. Schellnhuber, Eds. Springer 453, 141-169, 2002.

152. Schnur, R., K. Hasselmann: Optimal filtering for Baysian detection and attribution of climate change, Climate Dynamics 24, 45-55, 2005.

153. Thomas Bruckner, Georg Hooss, Hans-Martin Füssel and Klaus Hasselmann Climate System Modeling in the Framework of the tolerable Windows approach: The ICLIPS Climate Model, Climate Change 56, 119-137, 2003.

154. Hasselmann, K., M. Latif, G. Hooss, C. Azar, O. Edenhofer, C.C. Jaeger, O.M. Johannessen, C. Kemfert, M. Welp, A. Wokaun, The Callenge of Long-term Climate Change, Science, 302, 1923-1925, 2003.

155. Santer, B.D., U. Mikolajewicz, U. Cubasch, K. Hasselmann, H. Höck, E. Maier-Reimer, and T.L. Wigley: Ocean variability and its influence on the detectability of greenhouse warming signals. Journal of Geophysical Research, 100, 10693-10725, 1995.

156.. Michael Weber., Volker Barth., Klaus Hasselmann: A Multi-Actor Dynamic Assesment Model (MADIAM) of Induced Technological Change and Sustainable Economic Growth, Ecological Economics, 54, 306-327, 2005.

157. Dorothee v. Laer, Susanne Hasselmann, Klaus F. Hasselmann: Impact of gene-modified T cells on HIV infections dynamics, Journal of Theoretical Biology 238, 60-77, 2006.

158. O. M. Johannessen, L. Bengtsson, M.W. Miles, S. I. Kuzmina, V. A. Semenov, G. V.Alekseev, A. P. Nagurnyi, V. F. Zakharov, L. P. Bobylev, L. H. Pettersson, K. Hasselmann, H. P. Cattle; Artic climate change; observed and modelled temperature and sea-ice variability, TELLUS, 56A, 328-341, 2004.

159. Volker Barth, Klaus Hasselmann: Analysiss of climate damage abatement costs using adynamic economic model, Vierteljahresheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) 74, 148-163, 2005.

160. Dorothee v. Laer, Susanne Hasselmann, Klaus Hasselmann: Gene therapy for HIV infection: What does it need to make it work? Journal of Gene Medicine, 8, 658–667, 2006.

161. International Ad Hoc Detection and Attribution Group, Detecting and Attributing Externel Influences on the Climate System: A Review of Recent Advances, Journal of Climate, 18, 1291-1314, 2005.

162. Hasselmann, K. and S. Hasselmann: The metron model. A unified deterministic theory of fields and particles - a progress report, Proc.5th Intern.Conf., Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Kyiv, 23-29 June, 2004, 788-795, 2005.

163. Hasselmann, Klaus and Terry Barker, The Stern Review and the IPCC fourth assessment report: implications for interaction between policymakers and climate experts. An editorial essay. Climatic Change, 89, 219-229, 2008, published online, 25th June 2008, DOI 10.1007/s10584-008-9435-8.

164. Carlo C.Jaeger, Jette Krause, Armin Haas, Rupert Klein and Klaus Hasselmann: A method for computing the fraction of attributable risk related to climate damages, Risk Analysis, 28, no. 4, 2008.

165. Hasselmann, K.: Application of System Dynamics to Climate Policy Assessment, pp.203-28, in Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2008, eds. Fitt, A.D., J.Norbury, H.Ockendon and E.Wilson, Springer, 2010 166. Hasselmann, K.: What to Do? Does Science have a Role? Proceedings of Heraeus Seminar on Energy and Climate, A Physics Perspective on Energy Supply and Climate Change Prediction, Mitigation and Adaptation, Bad Honnef, 26 - 29 May 2008.

167. Hasselmann, K.: Simulating human behavior in macroeconomic models applied to climate change. Dahlem Conference “Is there a mathematics of social entities”, Berlin, 14-19 December, 2008.

168. Hasselmann, K.: The climate change game, nature geoscience, August 2010

169 Hasselmann, K. and A. Voinov, The actor driven dynamics of decarbonization, pp 131-159, in Reframing the Problem of Climate Change. From Zero Sum Game to Win-Win solutions, eds. Klaus Hasselmann, Carlo Jaeger, Gerd Leipold, Diana Mangalagiu, J.D. Tabara, Earthscan, 272 pp, 2011

170. Giupponi, C., M.D. Borsuk, B.J.M. de Vries and K. Hasselmann, Innovative approaches to integrated global change modelling, Thematic Issue, Environmental Modelling and Software, 44, 1-9, 2013

171. Hasselmann, K. and D. Kovalevsky, Simulating animal spirits in actor-based climate models, Thematic Issue, Environmental Modelling and Software, 44, 10-24, 2013

172. Hasselmann, K. Detecting and responding to climate change, Tellus B, 65, 20088, http://www.tellusb.net/index.php/tellusb/article/view/20088 , 2013

173. Hasselmann, K. A classical path to unification, Proceedings of Biennual Conference of International Association of Relativistic Dynamics, Florence 2012, http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/437/1/012023

174. Hasselmann, K., B. Chapron, L. Aouf, F. Ardhuin, F. Collard. G. Engen, S. Hasselmann, P. Heimbach, P. Janssen, H. Johnsen, H. Krogstad, S. Lehner, J.-G. Li, X.- M. Li, W. Rosenthal and J. Schulz-Stellenfleth (2012), “The ERS SAR Wave Mode – A Breakthrough in global ocean wave observations”, in: Y.-L. Desnos (Ed.): ERS Missions: 20 Years of Observing the Earth, ESA SP-1326, ESA/ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL.

175. Hasselmann, K. Ernst Maier-Reimer, The discovery of silence, Nature Geoscience, 6, 809, 2013

176. Kovalevsky, D.V., Hasselmann, K. A hierarchy of out-of-equilibrium actor-based system-dynamic nonlinear economic models. Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity, 3(3), 303-318. 2014

177. Kovalevsky, D.V., Hasselmann, K. (2014): Integrated Assessment modelling of global impacts of shrinking Arctic sea ice. Proceedings of All-Russian conference with international participation “State of Arctic seas and territories under conditions of climate change”, Arkhangelsk, Russia, 18-19 September 2014, 79-80.

178. Kovalevsky, D.V., Hasselmann, K. (2014): Modelling the impacts of a national carbon tax in a country with inhomogeneous regional development: an actor-based system-dynamic approach. ERSA 54th Congress “Regional Development & Globalisation: Best Practices”, St. Petersburg, Russia, 26-29 August 2014.

179. Kovalevsky, D.V., Hasselmann, K. (2014): Assessing the transition to a low-carbon economy using actor-based system-dynamic models. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs), San Diego, California, USA, 15-19 June2014,Vol. 4,1865-1872. URL: http://www.iemss.org/sites/iemss2014/papers/Volume_4_iEMSs2014_pp_1817-2386.pdf

180. Hasselmann, Klaus, Cremades, Roger, Filatova, Tatiana, Hewitt, Roger, Jaeger, Carlo, Kovalevsky, Dmitry, Voinov, Alexey, Winder, Nick (2015): Free-riders to Forerunners, Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2593 Publ. online 23rd Nov. 2015

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