Marcel Méchali#

Membership Number:6983
Membership type:ORDINARY
Main Country of Residence:FRANCE

Present and Previous Positions
  • Present position since 1998 Group leader at the Institute of Human Genetics, Montpellier, France
  • Previous positions 2011- 2021 Director of the Labex Network EpiGenMed 2011- 2021 (58 teams)
  • 2003 - 2006 Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, CNRS, Montpellier, France.
  • 1984 - 1998 Group leader, laboratory of Genome Dynamics and Development, Institute Jacques Monod, Paris
  • 1981 - 1984 Post doctoral fellow at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK

Fields of Scholarship
  • Human and mouse ES cells
  • DNA replication origins and genome organisation
  • DNA Repair
  • Chromosome organization
  • DNA replication origins and development
  • DNA replication and cell cycle
  • Xenopus early development

Honours and Awards
  • 2015 Knight of the Academic Palms
  • 2011 Price René and André Duquesne of the Cancer Ligue
  • 2010 Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur.
  • 2008 Member of the Academy of 1000.
  • 2007 ERC Advanced Investigator
  • 2005 Elected Member of the the French Academy of Sciences
  • 2005 Fundation Allianz Price
  • 2003 Rosen Price of the Fundation for Medical Research.
  • 2002 EMBO Member
  • 1996 CNRS Silver Medal
  • 1982 - 1983 Elected Senior Member of the Darwin College, Cambridge, UK

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